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  The Full Story



"Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross"

(Hebrews 12:2). These words sum up what following Jesus is all about. Life involves discomfort and pain, but how we respond in these trails are love's joyful opportunity. Trials in life will either separate us from Christ's likeness, or transform us into it.


Enduring Christianity is Christianity because Christianity will endure forever. It is the truth that "If we died with Him, we will also live with Him, if we endure, we will reign with Him" (2 Timothy 2:11-12).


 Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. I have said these things to keep you from falling away" ( John 16:33, 1). Jesus tells us plainly, it will be natural to experience difficulties. But He tells us in the midst of the trials "take heart" and do not allow the trials of your life to lure you away from remaining in My truth. His teaching does not deny the pain of a trial, but it does promise that in Him we will have His peace. We do not endure just for the sake of enduring, that would be a miserable life.  Followers of Jesus endure for a reason - for the joy of abiding in a relationship with God by fulfilling His will and growing in the likeness of Christ.  


Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me

(Matthew 16:24). This platform openly acknowledges that the reality of denying self is NOT easy! The teachings of Jesus bring life, but the application of his words bring death to the desires of our sinful nature. This death is not metaphoric, but real. It is not something imagined, but felt. The desiring purpose of Enduring Christianity's response to this reality is found in Acts 14:22  "They returned, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,”


 Following Jesus is more than a fairy tale, or magic wand. It has far less to consider of what a person gets than what they are required by God to become. At the core it is a true commitment to love God more than ourself. Jesus warned us that it is a difficult and narrow path that leads to life.  It is so difficult that few will choose it. In fact, the resistance to death within a person is so great that Jesus himself pleaded with the Father if there might be another way. But yet, His response is the essence of Enduring Christianity, "Not my will, but Your will be done"(Luke 22:42). And the next day, with the joy set before him, he endured the cross.  


But Jesus' life was about more than enduring a death on a cross.  It was about his willingness in life to endure every temptation that was contrary to loving His Father, God. Deciding to follow Jesus is about more than going to heaven. It's about a deliberate dedication to living a life on earth that reflects heaven. To follow Jesus offers great hope and joy, however as Jesus said, "The one who endures to the end will be savedHeaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away (Mathew 24:13, 35). 


Enduring Christianity is not something we claim. Rather, it is a life of which we continually submit to the will of God. It is not something we only read about. It is something live. It is a life that bears the fruit of loving God more than self. It is a love that is willing to endure all things for the sake of Christ who lives in us and the joy of knowing He works all things out to the good of those who love him.


Our mission is to strengthen and encourage those who have received faith in Jesus to remain true to the faith.


Our desire is to raise up a generation that is secure in salvation and does not love their own life as to shrink back from death.




E.C. is a platform of authentic resources; walking alongside active Christians by identifying the practical struggles to a growing faith.

We will stand guarding the sheep from the wolf and mending the net of the fisherman through renewing hope & purpose of life by living out the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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